Friday, March 03, 2006

you'll feel much better when you

Again, I'm excited. I must be very excitable.

Mike from the excellent take your medicine mp3 blog has featured harold's leap in his monthly podcast which can be downloaded here.

It might have something to do with the fact that I wrote and recorded a theme tune for him!

tim young - tym theme

If you are visiting via take your medicine (or anywhere else for that matter) please take a look around the site and bookmark us, save the site feed etc. and come back again! I update the site with a new tune every weekday - so there is always lots of new stuff to hear!

I promise to stay interesting while you stay interested!

Just look at all the exclamation marks. It's like watching a puppy that's just got hold of a toilet roll.


You can vote for the Harold's Leap track in the take your medicine site, here! (At the bottom of the bar at the side) Please vote because the most popular track gets played again next month!

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